Blogger Awards

Wow, Francine in Retirement nominated me for three blog awards: The Versatile Blogger, Sunshine Award and Liebster Blog (by the way, “liebster” is German and means “most favorite”), and Maria de Suede has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger. Thank you so much, Francine, thank you, Maria.  So I guess I’ll have to tell things about myself, answer questions and pass the awards on to other bloggers.

The Versatile Blogger Award asks that I tell 7 things about myself and nominate 15 other bloggers.

7 things about myself: 1. I used to be a vegetarian for 35 years. 2. Now I am a vegan. 3. I love white roses. 4. I love hats. 5. I travel a lot. 6. I love Puccini operas. 7. I love to read (real books, not iPad or Kindle).

My nominations:

1. obblogato  2. nick exposed  3. My other point of view  4. Images of the world around me  5. Photobach’s Blog  6. Mathias L Photos  7. Angel Sotelo  8. Robert Santafede Photography  9. Ratzone’s Blog  10. Gopido’s 11. marianne365days  12. Angolodincidenza  13. Cruzdelsur  14. Tribudragon  15. Narhvalur


Liebster Bog Award

Five more things about myself: I can’t stand lies, I am very straightforward, I am very spontaneous, I like Woody Allen films, I love reading Scandinavian thrillers

My nominations::

Manoli Rizo Fotografia

Wir Nosotros


Jan Masyn’s Travel Blog

Le drake noir

The Sunshine Award

10 questions about myself:

Favorite color: For clothes it’s black, for interior design it’s blue

My astrological sign: Sagittarius (ascendent aries)

Favorite opera singer: Maria Callas

Two of my all time favorite songs “The dark side of the moon” by Pink Floyd and “Wild is the wind” by Nina Simone

Things I don’t tolerate: Lies and dishonesty

My favorite day of the week: Thursday

My favorite numbers: 1, 12, 21

Favorite quote: It’s never too late to be what you might have been (George Eliot)

Languages I speak: German, English, Italian and French

Favorite painter: Paul Gauguin

My nominations are:

Through the healing lens

Alexandru Stoica

Painter’s Progress

She kept a parrot

Vidal’s NYC

Behind the lens

Bernard van Velsen

Modern Art and Poetry


1001 Scribbles

28 thoughts on “Blogger Awards

  1. I knew you were a special person from the photographs you take. You have a great eye for design and detail. Now I know you are very well organized. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. I am so honored to have nominated such a well deserving fellow blogger. Thanks also for the shout out.


  2. Cornelia, you post the most incredible street photography I ever saw. And, it is all consistently superb. Your work is proof that street photography does not have to focus on human misery to be interesting or compelling. You record people doing what people do. The view that you present in your photography requires a special of sensitivity born of an almost instinctive understanding of human behavior. It is rare.

    Thank you for recognizing what I try to do. You are kind. And you are a storyteller too. 🙂

  3. Ich freue mich über deine Nominierungen und bin froh, dass ich auf deinen Blog gestoßen bin, der uns jeden Tag mit neuen Fotos von den kleinen und großen alltäglichen Momenten erfreut! Ich (WirNosotros) danke dir auch sehr für die Nominierung als Liebster Blog und hoffe wir werden der Nominierung in Zukunft gerecht! Liebe Grüße aus Göttingen!

  4. Pingback: I have been nominated for the “Sunshine Award” | Vidal's NYC

  5. Hi Cornelia, I will take this nomination as a compliment, thank you for it…but i must be honnest to you…i don’t like nominations. Thant’s not the reason why i have this blog. I just want to show some pictures and want to look at pictures of other bloggers. Sorry but no more nominations for me. 😉

  6. You indeed deserve all 3 nominations – I’m glad I like new here on WP found your blog – I love words and photos that tell me good ‘hidden’ stories – I find it here on your blog – also I feel these photos often give me some context of the Germany that I know because I spent much of my childhood northern Germany in Schleswig – a great time – relations between Germans and Danes in the border area is very rewarding and very beautiful… 😉

    Thanks for mominated me in “Liebster Blog” – I am very pleased – as relatively new to WP, so I need to ask what do I do now… 😉

    Gruß von einem Dänen kommen viel herum in Europa und liebt es, Ihr Land zu besuchen… 😉

    “mojn” or “tschüß” or “au revoir” or “bye see you” or “ciao” or “chao”…. 😉 😉 😉

    • You copy the Liebster Blog button on your site, tell five things about yourself and nominate 10 other bloggers. That’s all. Ich liebe Dänemark! Bin fast im ganzen Land herumgereist, von Kopenhagen bis Skagen.

  7. Well deserved nominations for you, your photo series are amazing, your work and dedication to publish your photos on the blog are extraordinary.
    Thanks also to nominate the award, I appreciate it sincerely.
    Adiós Mujer Fotógrafa…

  8. Congratulations Cornelia! and thank you ! Always a pleasure to visit you, nice to see that you also find pleasure in visiting me 🙂
    have a lovely day!

  9. Pingback: Wordpress Award Nomination | ledrakenoir

  10. Pingback: Thank You (An Awards Post) | Robert Santafede Photography

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